Brian Blaney
A regular reader at the White House Poetry Revival sessions, he is a former member of Limerick Writers' Group (LWG) in the early 1990's. A regular reader of his work at Open-Mic venues and poetry readings including Limerick, Galway and during Listowel Writer's Week, his work has been published in Revival, Microphone On, Two Rivers Meet and local press media.
Brian Blaney is the pseudonym of Brian J. Slattery (in memory of his mother's maiden name).
Brian J. Slattery is the administrator / owner / webmaster of the independent website ''.
In fondest memory of Dr. Desmond O'Grady
(1935 -2014)
I slip beneath your sheets of syllables,
Succumb my senses
Blind my own ambition
But, should I fear delusion,
Eldest daughter of Zeus, whose feet
Stepped not on Earth’s firm soil
But trod the air above mens’ heads
And led them into pitfalls?
How can I tell, beneath your
Canopy of leaves, of storms ahead,
Unsuited, to my attire?
In the hail-storm blizzard
Of your words should I
Hold to your lines, unknowing,
Snow-blinded perhaps by the
Whites around their wisdom?
And when I reach Alexandria
What then, dear Desmond?
Will it stir my imagination as it did yours?
Will it be my destined end?
The city of my imagination?
Or will I be forever a khawaga*
In a foreign land?
Time and again I see your finger rise
And I hear your soft reply,
“If you’re lost in Alexandria,
Read Cavafy”
- © Brian Blaney
*Pergola: A covered walkway
* khawaga: Word listed in Desmond O’Grady’s ‘My Alexandria – Poems and Prose’ (Glossary of Arabic words).
Arabic pejorative word. Used to describe gullible (Western) tourists.
*Constantine Cavafy, poet (1863 – 1933)
Culture is an onion
of a thousand mendacious coats
each with a meaningful name
each finer than the last
full of expectant promise
leading to a core
where sits, alone,
a poet,
- Brian Blaney
Poems in Profile (2011)
JULY 2014
Brian featured, with John Liddyin the first of the Mid Summer Lunch Time Poetry readings in the Captain's Room at the Hunt Museum on July 10th.
The readings are due to continue with a different pairing of poets on consecutive Thursdays until July 31st.
The Limerick Leader was first to feature Brian's 'Tis Here The Heart of Limerick Beats', a poem inspired by the Mayoral ceremony surrounding the erection of a new, updated, headstone at the grave of Michael Hogan - Bard of Thomond. Those who attended included the local historian, Kevin Hannan and no fewer than three former Limerick City Mayor's ( J. Kemmy, T. Russell, J. O'Sullivan) while the ceremony itself was performed by the incumbant Mayor, Richard Sadlier. Given The Bard's historically ascerbic relationship with City Hall, the majority attendance of civic officialdom was ironic among the small gathering, which included the only Thomondgate natives present, Brian Slattery (a.k.a. poet Brian Blaney) and his paternal uncle, Mike Slattery. The earlier modest gravestone, which the new one replaced, did not have a sculpted face of Hogan. It is for this reason Blaney chose to begin his poem with the words:-
Oh, what time is this that sees this, once mortal coil
Entombed and now reslabbed anew beneath this soil
My chiselled features cut in stone so fine
So friend or foe can kiss, or jab, my eyes as they incline...
Drawing on his wide work experience (industrial worker, artist/designer, firefighter, writer), Blaney's poetry explores issues with a keen eye for social injustice. Although not afraid to tackle international issues (e.g. 'Benign Neglect', 'Solzhenitzen's Sword'), as a native of Limerick (Thomondgate), his love and concern for his native City is evidenced by poems such as 'By the River' (a homage to the river Shannon) or 'Statute Instrument...' (a 2007 social comment laying bare the socio-political backdrop to the long-promised regeneration of disadvantaged areas). 'Chasm of Darkness' covers the almost forgotten reasons for peace in Northern Ireland while 'The Wise Men Have Gone To The Hills Again' highlights an acute awareness of religious power struggles and suffering within society at large.
A special reading (by Mike Finn) of 'Manhattan Skyline' (Poems in Profile), was performed at a commemoration ceremoney in the Augustinian Church, Limerick, to mark the tragedy of the twin towers on September 11, 2001.
From June, 2012 to January 2013, he assisted MC Barney Sheehan promote the weekly sessions. This included a redesign of the poster format and the write-up of weekly posters for visiting guest poets. The posters were then emailed directly to the printer for collection. One such innovative poster design was that to celebrate July 4th, 2012, American Independence Day. This saw a full-colour poster which, naturally, featured a bald eagle. The guest on that occassion was Mike Gallagher. The last poster featured Sheila Fitzpatrick-O'Donnell as guest when she launched her collections 'A Bouquet of Trilogies' on February 6th, 2013.
Brian Blaney is currently working on a second collection for release in early 2014. His website can be found at:
-A Tribute-
He's gone
Amidst a contemplation
He slipped away
The pondrous brow, unhinged,
No more will rise
Awake this day
The eyelids ne're will lift
Those eyes in wonder
To expose
A lyric, suant
The lips no more to sing
No more measured tones
From heart to mind
With breath divulged
The lexicon, left open
Within the crevice of its revelations
The squat pen rests indulged
- Brian Blaney (c) 2013
Across drenched fields of dew
Like Spring's iced melting snow
In morning mist they glisten
Cheeky whites on show
One Summer's day in wilting
Amidst the blades of green
They'll silently submit to fate
To nature's cyclic scene
They'll drop their petalled blades
Like swords down at their feet
And bow their heads in silence
Proud blossoms in defeat
Last memories are of children
Daisy chained in barefoot plays
Their laughter rippling like a brook
In freckled fun-filled days
- Brian Blaney (c)
Like a child in the wilderness
I had no place to hide
After that summer's day in June
When the thunder came
I was a bad example they said
A disgrace to my parents
My family, my younger sisters
To the community of womanhood
How could I be allowed
With each parturient day
Waddle my swelling belly
Among them, unexplained
How could they allow the innocent,
Wondrous eyes of children
Share the marvel of a nativity
In their midst?
I cried, and asked, why couldn't I,
In the Mother of God's image
Just once - once, share her story
Of a virgin birth?
But the thunder became louder
And I had no place to hide
In the narrowing spaces of
Religious rightousness
And so I was taken
From my sisterhood to another,
The Mary magdalene's,
Sisters of mercy to those who had fallen
On the open, thunderous plains
They cut my hair, the lovely
Locks my baby sister combed,
Put ribbons in, and said, "When I grow up..."
She wanted hair like mine
They took my name, and gave me another,
To hide you, they said, from the June thunder
That rocks and rolls, for it will
No longer know your name
But with the thunder
They hid me too from
The scented Autumn breeze
Of my mother's voice - calling my name
They took my hands
That everyday held my father
"Princess hugs" he called them
And put a scrubbing brush in their palms
And from my voice they stole
The names of family and friends
And, from my ears, the music of
Their laughter in the fields
But most of all, they stole
The fruit of my womb, planted
By my first, and only love
In a shared embrace
On a June summer's day
Before the thunder came
And all was silenced.
- Brian Blaney (c) 2013
What they said:-
'... the themes of his poems reflect his varied and wide-ranging interest in the world around him. This, he celebrates with vivid, and sometimes, startling, imagery.'
- Teri Murray, (Poet, Editor of Revival)
'When his muse summons, Brian responds faithfully through 'streams... of... universal truths'. It is refreshing then to imagine that if Brian were 'the only functioning player' on the lyre, such truths, such 'encrusted diamonds' would suffice, liberated with a lance of his pen from everyday spin. We must always be grateful.'
- Tom Moloney, (Poet)
'Chasm of Darkness' expresses sentiments pretty much that I do... remembering the people who have been murdered... in my long poem about Northern Ireland ('Pity for the Wicked' short-listed for the Ewart biggs Memorial Prize, 2007).
- Brian Lynch (Poet, Member of Aosdana)
'Probably the nearest thing we have got at present to the Bard of Thomond, Michael Hogan.'
- Eugene Phelan (Editor, Limerick Leader)
See also:-
Desmond O'Grady Teri Murray Tom Moloney Brian Lynch Bernard 'Barney' Sheehan
Sheila Fitzpatrick O'Donnell John Liddy